Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cindy Sheehan bows out.

I like Cindy Sheehan, I don't agreee with everything she does..but overall I think she inspired a lot of women to really stay on top of what the government does. That's just as important. However, I don't know how much of an impact she had on Iraq War policy. I think that disappointed her too, she seems like a car that's running out of gas, and I know how tiring political involvement can be. While she's right to fault the Democrats for giving in yet again, she also needs to know the Democrats don't really have a lot of power right now, especially in the Senate. They have very slim majorities, and a lot of things I hoped they would be able to do, like getting troops out of Iraq, etc they haven't I think that's mainly because they don't have enough vote to override any bill that may end up getting a veto by George Bush. Democrats may want to end the war, I think many of the Dems in the Senate do but putting forward just a big fight wouldn't do any good, and would make the public think they are out destroy the Administration's agenda. Sad, but we have until Nov 2008, maybe then Democrats will be able to stop the Iraq War. They just have to be voted into office first!


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