Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Obama and the other Dem candidates

Barack Obama is without a doubt a well-educated, informed, politician with a seemingly grand agenda. His remarkable upbringing and coming to American thanks to then President Kennedy, is like the “America Dream,” in the most idealistic sense. However Dickerson brings up a good point, Obama may present nicely and look like an attractive candidate with his words, but what he lacks is substance and experience.

The three big frontrunners are Obama, Clinton and Edwards. Actually, I personally do not think Edwards is a frontrunner, but many people do. Hillary Clinton is like the Microsoft of this race, she is the big, established candidate with a track record, what some may consider to be polarizing. Barack Obama is like the new start up company that’s fresh, exciting, ambitious and innovative. John Edwards is like the company that's doing enough just to stay in business, or to stay somewhere in the ballpark to have some chance at the nomination. I think he's hoping for Clinton & Obama duke it out so he can emerge as the alternative.

Hillary Clinton is not making Obama’s mistake. If you recall in 2004, there were rumors and tons of media talk about her running that year, but she had said she wouldn’t consider running for President until she completed ATLEAST one full term in the Senate. I remember her saying that in multiple press conferences, news shows, etc. That was a very smart move because her time in the Senate was a great opportunity for to make herself stand out as an independent political figure, especially when you’re married to an ex-president, that’s important.

Back to Obama, I am not trying to be critical of his ambition, I think it’s great, I have a lot of ambitions myself, political ambitions. Being President of the United States is a big deal though, there are no requirements for this, but I think a presidential candidate should have extensive experience in public service. Notice I did not say “office” because for example with Hillary she was very much involved with education issues as First Lady or AR and then spearheaded a health care campaign as First Lady of the US, these, in my opinion are experiences that will really help her throughout her campaign.

I could go back in history and compare presidents from both parties and their experience level. Look at someone like LBJ, the last career politician-type president I think, unfortunately. It’s unfortunate because people shouldn't be so turned off by career politicians, at least they would have some idea what they’re doing as president. Just compare someone like LBJ to say Carter, or Bush 43. LBJ was a master at making deals, getting things done, he pushed more legislation through Congress in the 1964-5 session than any Congress has done before that and to this day. Experience and political savvy are good things, it brings results, and it makes government effective. Poor Carter, he seems like a nice guy and he did get some important things done like the Camp David accord and giving the Panama Canal back, but his administration was a mess. He either couldn’t or simply chose not to work with Congress in anyway. O’Neill couldn’t stand him for this reason; he alienated Democratic leaders, and didn’t have support from Republicans either for a lot of his policies. He never even put much effort into this thinking that the so-called “right thing” would be enough to bring the two parties together. You can see that in Bush 43 today. Bush 41 didn’t have this problem, he faced a Democratic Congress, true, but he knew the importance of a relationship with Congress,, and did a lot of negotiating with taxes, civil rights, etc.

Washington DC system, while it may have its flaws, in terms of political figures and power is an establishment, a different culture of sorts, and any President must know this, and must be able to turn this around a gain support for their agenda. Brains, ambition and idealism will not do the trick on their own, and that’s currently where Obama is at this point, so I think we’ll just have to watch him in the news and see how it works out in the next few months. After at least a full term in the senate, maybe more, I think he would be a better candidate. I always hoped Wes Clark would run for AR Governor or Senate to get his foot in the door. This happened to Wes Clark in 2004 as well.



pinkee said...

"Hillary Clinton is not making Obama’s mistake." -- I 100% completely agree! A lot of my friends and I talk about this all the time.

Mark said...

I think it is going to come down to Hillary vs. Obama... unless Edwards runs a very effective campaign and can raise enough money to stay in the game. Hillary does have more experience and she should play that to her advantage. But, like you said, people don't like politicians who have been in Washington, D.C. a long time...so Obama could also use his lack in time in D.C. to his advantage.

cosmopolitician said...

Yeah, Edwards would make a good VP though (again, lol). I am guessing the VP will be from a southern state to balance the ticket.