Some quotes...
"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself." —Ronald Reagan
=>Well, it took care of itself enough to become a massive debt, which certainly took care of Bush Sr in '92. :\
"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself." —Ronald Reagan
=>Well, it took care of itself enough to become a massive debt, which certainly took care of Bush Sr in '92. :\
=>LOL! Well, it's sort of their Constitutional right, this guy needs to re-read Article 1.
=>The OC REgister editorial page is like a Ouija board that has only two answers, regardless of the question. The answers are: love guns, love God.
Note: I have actually read the OC Register's editorial page.
=>"I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the ass" -Barry Goldwater. I agree.
Hah, Bush saying that problems of budget solve themselves. That's hilarious.
It seems like most politicians today forego the stern look at keeping a balanced budget; are they thinking we'll never have to pay it or something? The consistent deficit the Feds are running scares me to think about it, and don't even get me started on the debt. Since when did it become the agenda of conservatives to blow the wallet?
Chris H
Lol, blowing the wallet becomes part of the conservative agenda when you've got hawks dominating the party. Supposedly McCain is the fiscal conservative in 2008. With his support of the war, I doubt it. Balanced budgets are important, I think a lot of people use government spending to decide how to vote. It's obvious deficits are not indicative of balanced budgets, but do you consider a surplus a balanced budget Chris? Some would say it's wasted money, but just like individual, or family budgets, saving is important, like now when you have an $8 trillion debt to pay off.
Many people thought the Dem victory in 2006 was going to end the war and the deficits we're running as a result. I was one of those people for maybe a week, but the problem is that people want lower taxes & are still insanely supportive of the war. Government can't work miracles under those conditions.
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